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Lernen *args | An Unknown Number of Arguments
Python Functions: From Zero to Hero
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Python Functions: From Zero to Hero

Python Functions: From Zero to Hero

1. What is a Function?
2. Arguments or Parameters
3. Assigning a Default Value to a Parameter
4. An Unknown Number of Arguments
5. Functions within Functions
6. Recursion


*args is needed when we want to pass an unknown number of unnamed arguments. If we put * before the name of the variable, this name will take not one argument, but several. Arguments are passed as a tuple and are available inside the function under the same name as the parameter name, only without *. Let's look at the example.

def grocery_cart(*prices_of_all_fruits): total_price = 0 for i in prices_of_all_fruits: total_price = total_price + i print(total_price) grocery_cart(10, 7, 12, 13)

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You have to implement a function, named multiply_elements, that will take in an unknown number of arguments and multiply all of them together. Run created a function for this set of numbers:

  • (3, 6, 1, 2)


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Abschnitt 4. Kapitel 2
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*args is needed when we want to pass an unknown number of unnamed arguments. If we put * before the name of the variable, this name will take not one argument, but several. Arguments are passed as a tuple and are available inside the function under the same name as the parameter name, only without *. Let's look at the example.

def grocery_cart(*prices_of_all_fruits): total_price = 0 for i in prices_of_all_fruits: total_price = total_price + i print(total_price) grocery_cart(10, 7, 12, 13)

It's time to practice.


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You have to implement a function, named multiply_elements, that will take in an unknown number of arguments and multiply all of them together. Run created a function for this set of numbers:

  • (3, 6, 1, 2)


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Abschnitt 4. Kapitel 2
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