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Atomicity | ACID
course content

Course Content

Advanced Techniques in SQL


Atomicity in SQL refers to one of the ACID properties, which ensures that we use transactions while querying data using SQL.
In the context of SQL databases, atomicity guarantees that all operations within a particular logical unit are completed, or none of them are.

Transaction processing in SQL

Key features

  • Rollback: If any part fails (e.g., due to error or constraint violation), the entire transaction is rolled back, reverting changes;
  • Commit: If all operations succeed, the transaction commits, making changes permanent.

Creating transactions in SQL

In SQL, each individual statement is considered as a transaction.
However, we can manually create transactions that contain more than one statement.

Let's imagine a scenario where we have two tables:

  • the BankAccounts table, which includes the following columns: account_number (Primary Key), account_holder, and balance;
  • UserLogs table with columns: account_number, action, timestamp etc. The combination of account_number and timestamp is a composite primary key of this relation.
Bank Database
account_number account_holder balance
789 Alice Johnson 3500.00
101 Bob Brown 4500.00
202 Emily Jones 6000.00
303 Michael Davis 800.00
404 Sarah Wilson 12000.00
505 David Taylor 300.00
606 Emma Thomas 7500.00
707 Daniel Martinez 1000.00
808 Olivia Rodriguez 900.00
909 Sophia Lee 2500.00
123 John Doe 5000.00
456 Jane Smith 2000.00

account_number action timestamp
789 Account created for Alice Johnson 2024-05-24 12:00:00
101 Account created for Bob Brown 2024-05-24 12:01:00
202 Account created for Emily Jones 2024-05-24 12:02:00
303 Account created for Michael Davis 2024-05-24 12:03:00
404 Account created for Sarah Wilson 2024-05-24 12:04:00
505 Account created for David Taylor 2024-05-24 12:05:00
606 Account created for Emma Thomas 2024-05-24 12:06:00
707 Account created for Daniel Martinez 2024-05-24 12:07:00
808 Account created for Olivia Rodriguez 2024-05-24 12:08:00
909 Account created for Sophia Lee 2024-05-24 12:09:00
123 Account created for John Doe 2024-05-24 12:10:00
456 Account created for Jane Smith 2024-05-24 12:11:00

Now, let's consider a scenario where we intend to create a new bank account and concurrently generate a log entry to signify the addition of the new account.
It's imperative that these two actions, adding the account and logging the event, are treated as a single logical unit and must be wrapped in a single transaction. Here's a very basic example of how we might do this with a transaction:

In the query above, we use the BEGIN block to signify that all following statements must be considered as a single unit - if one of them is not executed, none of the statements must be executed.
The COMMIT keyword signifies the end of the transaction block.

What does the concept of atomicity ensure in the context of database transactions?

Select the correct answer

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Section 1. Chapter 3
course content

Course Content

Advanced Techniques in SQL


Atomicity in SQL refers to one of the ACID properties, which ensures that we use transactions while querying data using SQL.
In the context of SQL databases, atomicity guarantees that all operations within a particular logical unit are completed, or none of them are.

Transaction processing in SQL

Key features

  • Rollback: If any part fails (e.g., due to error or constraint violation), the entire transaction is rolled back, reverting changes;
  • Commit: If all operations succeed, the transaction commits, making changes permanent.

Creating transactions in SQL

In SQL, each individual statement is considered as a transaction.
However, we can manually create transactions that contain more than one statement.

Let's imagine a scenario where we have two tables:

  • the BankAccounts table, which includes the following columns: account_number (Primary Key), account_holder, and balance;
  • UserLogs table with columns: account_number, action, timestamp etc. The combination of account_number and timestamp is a composite primary key of this relation.
Bank Database
account_number account_holder balance
789 Alice Johnson 3500.00
101 Bob Brown 4500.00
202 Emily Jones 6000.00
303 Michael Davis 800.00
404 Sarah Wilson 12000.00
505 David Taylor 300.00
606 Emma Thomas 7500.00
707 Daniel Martinez 1000.00
808 Olivia Rodriguez 900.00
909 Sophia Lee 2500.00
123 John Doe 5000.00
456 Jane Smith 2000.00

account_number action timestamp
789 Account created for Alice Johnson 2024-05-24 12:00:00
101 Account created for Bob Brown 2024-05-24 12:01:00
202 Account created for Emily Jones 2024-05-24 12:02:00
303 Account created for Michael Davis 2024-05-24 12:03:00
404 Account created for Sarah Wilson 2024-05-24 12:04:00
505 Account created for David Taylor 2024-05-24 12:05:00
606 Account created for Emma Thomas 2024-05-24 12:06:00
707 Account created for Daniel Martinez 2024-05-24 12:07:00
808 Account created for Olivia Rodriguez 2024-05-24 12:08:00
909 Account created for Sophia Lee 2024-05-24 12:09:00
123 Account created for John Doe 2024-05-24 12:10:00
456 Account created for Jane Smith 2024-05-24 12:11:00

Now, let's consider a scenario where we intend to create a new bank account and concurrently generate a log entry to signify the addition of the new account.
It's imperative that these two actions, adding the account and logging the event, are treated as a single logical unit and must be wrapped in a single transaction. Here's a very basic example of how we might do this with a transaction:

In the query above, we use the BEGIN block to signify that all following statements must be considered as a single unit - if one of them is not executed, none of the statements must be executed.
The COMMIT keyword signifies the end of the transaction block.

What does the concept of atomicity ensure in the context of database transactions?

Select the correct answer

Everything was clear?

Section 1. Chapter 3