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Return Custom Data Types | Function Return Values Specification
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Course Content

C++ Functions

Return Custom Data TypesReturn Custom Data Types

In C++, you can return custom structures and classes from functions. When you return an instance of a struct or class from a function, you essentially return a copy of the object ( the same as returning simple data types).

This allows you to encapsulate related data and behavior within a single structure or class instance, pass it around between functions, or use it in different parts of your program.

To return a structure/class, you must use the structure/class name as a type specifier in the function signature.



Code Description

This C++ code demonstrates the usage of custom structures and functions to create and return instances of a custom structure named Person. Here's the breakdown of the code:

  • Person Struct:
  • - Attributes: string name and int age.
    - Description: Defines a structure named Person with attributes name to store the person's name and age to store the person's age.

  • createPerson() Function:
  • - Return Type: Person (returns a Person object).
    - Description: This function creates a new Person object, initializes its name and age attributes, and then returns the copy of the created object.

  • main() Function:
  • - Description: In the main() function, the createPerson() function is utilized to create a Person object named person1. The object is initialized with specific values and then accessed for its name and age attributes. The results are then printed to the console using cout, showcasing the content of the created custom structure.

    Everything was clear?

    Section 3. Chapter 3
    course content

    Course Content

    C++ Functions

    Return Custom Data TypesReturn Custom Data Types

    In C++, you can return custom structures and classes from functions. When you return an instance of a struct or class from a function, you essentially return a copy of the object ( the same as returning simple data types).

    This allows you to encapsulate related data and behavior within a single structure or class instance, pass it around between functions, or use it in different parts of your program.

    To return a structure/class, you must use the structure/class name as a type specifier in the function signature.



    Code Description

    This C++ code demonstrates the usage of custom structures and functions to create and return instances of a custom structure named Person. Here's the breakdown of the code:

  • Person Struct:
  • - Attributes: string name and int age.
    - Description: Defines a structure named Person with attributes name to store the person's name and age to store the person's age.

  • createPerson() Function:
  • - Return Type: Person (returns a Person object).
    - Description: This function creates a new Person object, initializes its name and age attributes, and then returns the copy of the created object.

  • main() Function:
  • - Description: In the main() function, the createPerson() function is utilized to create a Person object named person1. The object is initialized with specific values and then accessed for its name and age attributes. The results are then printed to the console using cout, showcasing the content of the created custom structure.

    Everything was clear?

    Section 3. Chapter 3