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Challenge: Implementing a Random Forest | Random Forest
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Course Content

Classification with Python

Challenge: Implementing a Random ForestChallenge: Implementing a Random Forest

In this chapter, you will build a Random Forest using the same titanic dataset.

Also, you will calculate the cross-validation accuracy using the cross_val_score() function

In the end, you will print the feature importances.
The feature_importances_ attribute only holds an array with importances without specifying the name of a feature.
To print the pairs ('name', importance), you can use the following syntax:


  1. Import the RandomForestClassifier class.
  2. Create an instance of a RandomForestClassifier class with default parameters and train it.
  3. Print the cross-validation score with the cv=10 of a random_forest you just built.
  4. Print each feature's importance along with its name.

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Section 4. Chapter 3
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Course Content

Classification with Python

Challenge: Implementing a Random ForestChallenge: Implementing a Random Forest

In this chapter, you will build a Random Forest using the same titanic dataset.

Also, you will calculate the cross-validation accuracy using the cross_val_score() function

In the end, you will print the feature importances.
The feature_importances_ attribute only holds an array with importances without specifying the name of a feature.
To print the pairs ('name', importance), you can use the following syntax:


  1. Import the RandomForestClassifier class.
  2. Create an instance of a RandomForestClassifier class with default parameters and train it.
  3. Print the cross-validation score with the cv=10 of a random_forest you just built.
  4. Print each feature's importance along with its name.

Everything was clear?

Section 4. Chapter 3
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