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Delete Operations | CRUD
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Course Content

SQL in Python Projects

Delete OperationsDelete Operations

Delete operations in SQLite are used to remove records or data from a database table. These operations allow you to delete specific data that is no longer needed. Here's how you can perform delete operations in SQLite.

Basic Delete Operation

The primary SQL statement for deleting data is the DELETE statement. Here's a basic example:

In this example, we:

  1. Connect to the database;
  2. Create a cursor to execute SQL queries;
  3. Use a DELETE query to remove a specific record from the "articles" table, identified by its "id";
  4. Execute the query with cursor.execute(delete_query);
  5. Save the changes to the database using connection.commit();
  6. Finally, close the database connection.

Deleting Multiple Records

To delete multiple records that match certain criteria, you can use a WHERE clause in the DELETE query:

This query will delete all records where the author matches 'John Doe'.

Deleting All Records

You can delete all records from a table by omitting the WHERE clause:

This query will delete all records in the "articles" table.

Deleting with Variables

You can use variables in your DELETE queries to delete data dynamically. Here's an example of how to do that:

This query will delete the record with an "id" equal to the value stored in the record_id variable.

These are the basic concepts for performing delete operations in SQLite using Python. You can customize your DELETE queries to remove specific data from your database as needed.

Everything was clear?

Section 3. Chapter 8
course content

Course Content

SQL in Python Projects

Delete OperationsDelete Operations

Delete operations in SQLite are used to remove records or data from a database table. These operations allow you to delete specific data that is no longer needed. Here's how you can perform delete operations in SQLite.

Basic Delete Operation

The primary SQL statement for deleting data is the DELETE statement. Here's a basic example:

In this example, we:

  1. Connect to the database;
  2. Create a cursor to execute SQL queries;
  3. Use a DELETE query to remove a specific record from the "articles" table, identified by its "id";
  4. Execute the query with cursor.execute(delete_query);
  5. Save the changes to the database using connection.commit();
  6. Finally, close the database connection.

Deleting Multiple Records

To delete multiple records that match certain criteria, you can use a WHERE clause in the DELETE query:

This query will delete all records where the author matches 'John Doe'.

Deleting All Records

You can delete all records from a table by omitting the WHERE clause:

This query will delete all records in the "articles" table.

Deleting with Variables

You can use variables in your DELETE queries to delete data dynamically. Here's an example of how to do that:

This query will delete the record with an "id" equal to the value stored in the record_id variable.

These are the basic concepts for performing delete operations in SQLite using Python. You can customize your DELETE queries to remove specific data from your database as needed.

Everything was clear?

Section 3. Chapter 8