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Rigidbody in Unity | Unity Physics
Unity for Beginners
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Course Content

Unity for Beginners

Unity for Beginners

1. Unity Introduction
2. Write your First Script
3. Unity Physics
4. Unity UI and Sounds
5. Polishing and Export your Game

Rigidbody in Unity

In Unity, the concept of a rigid body refers to a component that can be attached to a game object to simulate realistic physics behavior. Unity's rigid body system allows developers to create objects that respond to forces like gravity, collisions, and user interactions in a realistic manner.


A rigidbody is one such component that can be added to a game object to give it physics properties.

Physics Simulatio:

When a game object has a rigid body component attached, Unity's physics engine takes over to simulate how that object interacts with other objects in the scene. This includes simulating gravity, applying forces, detecting collisions, and resolving them realistically.


Rigid bodies in Unity have various properties that can be adjusted to fine-tune their behavior. These include mass (how heavy the object is), drag (air resistance), angular drag (rotational air resistance), and constraints (which axes the object can move or rotate along).


Rigidbodies can interact with each other and with other physics-based objects in the scene. For example, if two rigid bodies collide, Unity's physics engine calculates the resulting forces and changes in motion accordingly. This allows for realistic simulations of objects bouncing off each other, rolling, sliding, and more.

Scripting Integration:

Developers can also control rigid bodies through scripts using Unity's scripting API. This allows for dynamic manipulation of objects based on game logic, user input, or other factors. Example of us using the script integration of Rigidbody2D.

We have already explained this script in the last chapter of the second section you can check it if you forget.

This is the example in the video:

float x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); and float y = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); These lines retrieve the horizontal and vertical input from the player. Unity's Input.GetAxis() function returns a float value between -1 and 1 based on the input axis defined in the Input Manager settings. In this case, it's "Horizontal" and "Vertical", which are usually associated with the arrow keys or the WASD keys on the keyboard.

Vector2 direction = new Vector2(x, y); This line creates a new 2D vector named direction using the horizontal and vertical input values obtained in the previous step. This vector represents the direction in which the Rigidbody2D object will move.

rb.AddForce(direction, ForceMode2D.Force); This line applies a force to the Rigidbody2D object rb in the direction specified by the direction vector. The ForceMode2D.Force parameter indicates that the force will be applied continuously over time, simulating acceleration. You can search more about the script side of rigid body in the Unity documents here: Rigidbody2D

Use Cases:

Rigid bodies are commonly used for simulating objects like characters, vehicles, projectiles, and environmental elements in games. They are essential for creating realistic and immersive gameplay experiences.

1. What is a rigid body in Unity?
2. Which property of a rigid body defines how heavy an object is?

What is a rigid body in Unity?

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Which property of a rigid body defines how heavy an object is?

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