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Return Value | What is Function in Python?
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Python Functions Tutorial

Return ValueReturn Value

Let's create a function walk_the_dog that takes the dog's name dog_name and the time for a walk walk_time as parameters. The function should return a message indicating whether it's time to walk the dog.

  1. The if 6 <= walk_time <= 18: condition checks if the walk time (walk_time) is between 6 and 18 hours (inclusive);
  2. If this condition is true (meaning the walk time is between 6 and 18 hours), the first code block is executed:
    This return statement returns a string indicating that it's time for a walk for the dog named dog_name;
  3. If the condition is not true (meaning the walk time is not between 6 and 18 hours), the second code block is executed:
    In this case, the return statement returns a different message indicating that it's necessary to wait until 6 PM for the dog named dog_name to go for a walk.

So, the return in this case specifies what result is returned from the function based on the condition. The function returns a string, which is then printed using print(message1) and print(message2).

Absolutely, it's crucial to emphasize that the return statement not only specifies the result to be returned but also immediately terminates the execution of the function. Once a return statement is encountered, the function exits, and any subsequent code within the function is not executed.


Create a function greet_dog that takes the dog's name and breed as arguments. The function should return a string that greets the dog and provides information about its breed.

Your task is to complete the greet_dog function so that it returns the appropriate greeting.

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Section 1. Chapter 4
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Course Content

Python Functions Tutorial

Return ValueReturn Value

Let's create a function walk_the_dog that takes the dog's name dog_name and the time for a walk walk_time as parameters. The function should return a message indicating whether it's time to walk the dog.

  1. The if 6 <= walk_time <= 18: condition checks if the walk time (walk_time) is between 6 and 18 hours (inclusive);
  2. If this condition is true (meaning the walk time is between 6 and 18 hours), the first code block is executed:
    This return statement returns a string indicating that it's time for a walk for the dog named dog_name;
  3. If the condition is not true (meaning the walk time is not between 6 and 18 hours), the second code block is executed:
    In this case, the return statement returns a different message indicating that it's necessary to wait until 6 PM for the dog named dog_name to go for a walk.

So, the return in this case specifies what result is returned from the function based on the condition. The function returns a string, which is then printed using print(message1) and print(message2).

Absolutely, it's crucial to emphasize that the return statement not only specifies the result to be returned but also immediately terminates the execution of the function. Once a return statement is encountered, the function exits, and any subsequent code within the function is not executed.


Create a function greet_dog that takes the dog's name and breed as arguments. The function should return a string that greets the dog and provides information about its breed.

Your task is to complete the greet_dog function so that it returns the appropriate greeting.

Everything was clear?

Section 1. Chapter 4
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