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Learn More About Indexation | Get Familiar With Indexing and Selecting Data
Advanced Techniques in pandas

Learn More About IndexationLearn More About Indexation

Let's move further and continue extracting columns and rows by indices. So, you need to be familiar with a function similar to loc[].

Our following function is iloc[]; it is like index-location, and you may have guessed that it allows us to work with both columns' and rows' indices.

Firstly, we need to recall indices. The first row has the index 0, the next one 1, the next 2, and so on. But also, we can count from the end (indeed, this is not convenient in datasets, but it may be helpful somehow), so the last one has the index -1, the second-to-last is -2, and so on...

Look at the table:

Index from the Beginning Rows in Dataset Index from the End
0 Banana -8
1 Apple -7
2 Cucumber -6
3 Strawberry -5
4 Tomato -4
5 Orange -3
6 Lemon -2
7 Blueberry -1

However, we will start with the simplest implementation of the function iloc[], working with the following data set (below are its first five rows):

Name Age City
0 John 25 New York
1 Emily 30 London
2 Michael 35 Paris
3 Sophia 28 Sydney
4 David 40 Tokyo

Look to the code example and output:

  • data.iloc[0] - extracts the very first row of the dataset;
  • data.iloc[1] - extracts the second row of the dataset;
  • data.iloc[-1] - extracts the very last row of the dataset;
  • data.iloc[-2] - extracts the second-to-last row of the dataset.

As you may have recognized, at the end of the output, the variable Name shows the row number too, like Name: 998.


Replace the placeholders ___ in a code window with your code to answer the question below it.

Note that the index of a first person is 0.

Extract the second and the last row in the code window above. What are the names of those persons?

Select the correct answer

Everything was clear?

Section 1. Chapter 4
course content

Course Content

Advanced Techniques in pandas

Learn More About IndexationLearn More About Indexation

Let's move further and continue extracting columns and rows by indices. So, you need to be familiar with a function similar to loc[].

Our following function is iloc[]; it is like index-location, and you may have guessed that it allows us to work with both columns' and rows' indices.

Firstly, we need to recall indices. The first row has the index 0, the next one 1, the next 2, and so on. But also, we can count from the end (indeed, this is not convenient in datasets, but it may be helpful somehow), so the last one has the index -1, the second-to-last is -2, and so on...

Look at the table:

Index from the Beginning Rows in Dataset Index from the End
0 Banana -8
1 Apple -7
2 Cucumber -6
3 Strawberry -5
4 Tomato -4
5 Orange -3
6 Lemon -2
7 Blueberry -1

However, we will start with the simplest implementation of the function iloc[], working with the following data set (below are its first five rows):

Name Age City
0 John 25 New York
1 Emily 30 London
2 Michael 35 Paris
3 Sophia 28 Sydney
4 David 40 Tokyo

Look to the code example and output:

  • data.iloc[0] - extracts the very first row of the dataset;
  • data.iloc[1] - extracts the second row of the dataset;
  • data.iloc[-1] - extracts the very last row of the dataset;
  • data.iloc[-2] - extracts the second-to-last row of the dataset.

As you may have recognized, at the end of the output, the variable Name shows the row number too, like Name: 998.


Replace the placeholders ___ in a code window with your code to answer the question below it.

Note that the index of a first person is 0.

Extract the second and the last row in the code window above. What are the names of those persons?

Select the correct answer

Everything was clear?

Section 1. Chapter 4