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Queue Practice | Additional Data Structures
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Course Content

Java Data Structures

Queue PracticeQueue Practice


It's time to practice. You are given a task to write a TaskManager service that will keep track of your tasks. With this service, the user can add tasks, assign them to themselves, and then complete them in a sequential order. Let's start working on this task together, and then you'll continue on your own.


In this assignment, we will use the interface-implementation structure. First, we'll write an interface that will define the methods to be implemented by the inheriting classes.

But first, we need to create the task model itself. Let's create a Task class:


The Task class contains 3 attributes: id, name, and description. Each task must have a name and description, and id is a necessary attribute for any data structure. How else would we access the elements? The attributes are also protected by the private access modifier because we don't want other classes to have direct access to the fields of this class, except through the constructor or getters.

Now, let's implement these getters and the constructor. This can be easily done using the combination of key control + return on a MacBook.

After the performed operations, we have the following Task class:



We will have a very simplified task board service, so let's implement a service that will add, mark as completed, and check if there are tasks in the queue. Let's call this class TaskQueueService. To begin with, we need to define an interface with these tasks:



This interface defines 3 methods that implementation classes must implement. These methods include adding a task, moving to the next task (implying that the user has already completed the previous task), and a method to check if there are tasks in the queue.

Great, let's now create an implementation class that will override and implement all these methods:



We create a private attribute that will be used only in this service class.

It's worth making a small digression and talking about service classes, which are a separate part of OOP. Service classes are created to perform specific operations. They inherit from service interfaces and implement their methods. This approach to writing an application helps maintain and extend it while adhering to the SOLID principles, which we will study in a separate course. At the moment, it's important to understand that such classes are created solely to perform operations on other objects.

For example: If we write a calculator, we will have a separate class that will store the value of the number we operate on. The actual operations will be performed using a service class where addition, subtraction, and so on are defined.

I hope this clarifies the purpose of service classes in solving the task at hand.

Service Implementation

Let's continue the task execution. Our next task is to show that this class implements the TaskQueueService interface. To do this, we use the keyword implements and specify the interface that the class implements. We also need to override the methods defined by the interface. IntelliJ IDEA also allows us to significantly simplify this task using the combination option + return.

Now, in our class, all the methods that need to be overridden are shown. Let's go ahead and do it!


In our case, nothing overly complicated was done. We simply used the methods of the Queue class to implement our methods correctly. Thus, a data structure like a queue makes life easier for all Java programmers.

We use the offer() method for adding, the poll() method for removal, and the isEmpty() method to check if the queue is empty.

Now it's your turn to play a role in solving this problem. You'll need to implement a service class, the interface of which we will create together:


We've created a service interface with one method: processTasks(), which, when invoked, should start executing all tasks until the task list is empty. This method represents a user starting to perform tasks.


If you want to make the task a bit more challenging, you can add a method for processing a single task. In that case, you need to create a separate method, processTask(), in this interface. This method should process the first task in the list.


Your task is to write a class TaskProcessorServiceImpl that should implement the TaskProcessorService interface. This class should have a method to process all tasks, meaning it should use methods from the TaskQueueService service. You can use composition by creating an instance of this class within the class you need to implement, for example:


In general, there is already a prepared composition at the top for your task. Next, you just need to implement one method using an instance of this class.

After that, you need to create a constructor that will initialize this object of the taskQueueService class.

This way, you'll be able to use the methods of this object. It's also evident that, for task processing, you need to pass the queue with which the taskProcessor will work.

The rest of the task is left to you. Hints will be provided in the file. Once your solution is ready, click on the "Run Tests" button, and the unit tests I have written will check your solution.

Link to the Task: GitHub
  • 1. First, you should use composition and create an instance of the TaskQueue class. Then, also add its initialization in the constructor.
  • Next, implement the TaskProcessorImpl interface and override its methods.
  • In the implementation of the interface, use a while loop with the isEmpty() method as the condition.
  • Inside the while loop, use the taskQueueService.getNextTask() method, indicating that the task is completed. Output information to the screen using System.out.println() - "Processing Task: " + task.
  • When the loop finishes its work, output "All tasks processed." to the screen.
  • Run the tests and check the correctness of your solution.
  • Everything was clear?

    Section 2. Chapter 3
    course content

    Course Content

    Java Data Structures

    Queue PracticeQueue Practice


    It's time to practice. You are given a task to write a TaskManager service that will keep track of your tasks. With this service, the user can add tasks, assign them to themselves, and then complete them in a sequential order. Let's start working on this task together, and then you'll continue on your own.


    In this assignment, we will use the interface-implementation structure. First, we'll write an interface that will define the methods to be implemented by the inheriting classes.

    But first, we need to create the task model itself. Let's create a Task class:


    The Task class contains 3 attributes: id, name, and description. Each task must have a name and description, and id is a necessary attribute for any data structure. How else would we access the elements? The attributes are also protected by the private access modifier because we don't want other classes to have direct access to the fields of this class, except through the constructor or getters.

    Now, let's implement these getters and the constructor. This can be easily done using the combination of key control + return on a MacBook.

    After the performed operations, we have the following Task class:



    We will have a very simplified task board service, so let's implement a service that will add, mark as completed, and check if there are tasks in the queue. Let's call this class TaskQueueService. To begin with, we need to define an interface with these tasks:



    This interface defines 3 methods that implementation classes must implement. These methods include adding a task, moving to the next task (implying that the user has already completed the previous task), and a method to check if there are tasks in the queue.

    Great, let's now create an implementation class that will override and implement all these methods:



    We create a private attribute that will be used only in this service class.

    It's worth making a small digression and talking about service classes, which are a separate part of OOP. Service classes are created to perform specific operations. They inherit from service interfaces and implement their methods. This approach to writing an application helps maintain and extend it while adhering to the SOLID principles, which we will study in a separate course. At the moment, it's important to understand that such classes are created solely to perform operations on other objects.

    For example: If we write a calculator, we will have a separate class that will store the value of the number we operate on. The actual operations will be performed using a service class where addition, subtraction, and so on are defined.

    I hope this clarifies the purpose of service classes in solving the task at hand.

    Service Implementation

    Let's continue the task execution. Our next task is to show that this class implements the TaskQueueService interface. To do this, we use the keyword implements and specify the interface that the class implements. We also need to override the methods defined by the interface. IntelliJ IDEA also allows us to significantly simplify this task using the combination option + return.

    Now, in our class, all the methods that need to be overridden are shown. Let's go ahead and do it!


    In our case, nothing overly complicated was done. We simply used the methods of the Queue class to implement our methods correctly. Thus, a data structure like a queue makes life easier for all Java programmers.

    We use the offer() method for adding, the poll() method for removal, and the isEmpty() method to check if the queue is empty.

    Now it's your turn to play a role in solving this problem. You'll need to implement a service class, the interface of which we will create together:


    We've created a service interface with one method: processTasks(), which, when invoked, should start executing all tasks until the task list is empty. This method represents a user starting to perform tasks.


    If you want to make the task a bit more challenging, you can add a method for processing a single task. In that case, you need to create a separate method, processTask(), in this interface. This method should process the first task in the list.


    Your task is to write a class TaskProcessorServiceImpl that should implement the TaskProcessorService interface. This class should have a method to process all tasks, meaning it should use methods from the TaskQueueService service. You can use composition by creating an instance of this class within the class you need to implement, for example:


    In general, there is already a prepared composition at the top for your task. Next, you just need to implement one method using an instance of this class.

    After that, you need to create a constructor that will initialize this object of the taskQueueService class.

    This way, you'll be able to use the methods of this object. It's also evident that, for task processing, you need to pass the queue with which the taskProcessor will work.

    The rest of the task is left to you. Hints will be provided in the file. Once your solution is ready, click on the "Run Tests" button, and the unit tests I have written will check your solution.

    Link to the Task: GitHub
  • 1. First, you should use composition and create an instance of the TaskQueue class. Then, also add its initialization in the constructor.
  • Next, implement the TaskProcessorImpl interface and override its methods.
  • In the implementation of the interface, use a while loop with the isEmpty() method as the condition.
  • Inside the while loop, use the taskQueueService.getNextTask() method, indicating that the task is completed. Output information to the screen using System.out.println() - "Processing Task: " + task.
  • When the loop finishes its work, output "All tasks processed." to the screen.
  • Run the tests and check the correctness of your solution.
  • Everything was clear?

    Section 2. Chapter 3